Sunday Smoothie: Banana&Blueberry

Zilele trecute am dat intr-un supermarket peste o caserola de afine care, surprinzator, nu costa o avere, asa ca m-am simtit obligata sa o adaug in cosul de cumparaturi. Afinele sunt unele dintre preferatele mele sub orice forma, mai putin consumate ca atare. Deci m-am gandit sa le pun repede intr-un smoothie mov.
A few days ago I bumped into some fresh blueberries that weren't costing a fortune so I felt much obliged to add them to my shopping cart. Blueberries are one of my favorites to eat in any form, jam, syrup, muffins, pancakes, steak sauce, except as they are. So I decided to throw them in a mauve smoothie. 

Ingrediente: 1/2 cana afine proaspete, 1 cana iaurt dulce, 2 banane, 1 lingura miere, musli pentru decor
Ingredients: 1/2 cup fresh blueberries, 1 cup sweet yogurt, 2 bananas, 1 tablespoon honey, granola for garnish

De fiecare data cand vad afine imi aduc aminte de secventa din Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Sper sa nu imi iau si eu zborul :D
Every time I see blueberries I think about the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Let's hope I won't blow up and fly :D

Duminica placuta!
Enjoy your Sunday!

Glam Eggs

Daca saptamana trecuta v-am aratat cum puteti vopsi ouale intr-un mod cat mai natural, saptamana asta vreau sa va arat fix opusul: oua aurii ca de basm folosind diferite tehnici cu rezultate diferite, dar cu acelasi efect WOW!
If last week I showed you how you can dye your eggs with natural dye, this week I want to go the other way around: golden fairytale eggs using three different techniques with three different result but with the same WOW effect!

In primul rand pentru fiecare din cele 3 tehnici veti avea nevoie de oua: fierte sau golite sau de lemn, cum va plac.
First, for all three techniques you will need eggs: hard boiled, blown out or wooden, as you wish

Pentru ouale poleite aveti nevoie de:
1. foita de imitatie de aur; 2. un catel de usturoi; 3. pensula
For gold leaf eggs:
1. gold leaf; 2. garlic; 3. brush

Pentru ouale cu vopsea aurie aveti nevoie de:
1. vopsea efect pentru oua auriu (eu am folosit Carmin Nunate de poveste); 2. pensula
For gold dye eggs:
1. gold dye for eggs; 2. brush

Pentru ouale glitter aveti nevoie de:
1. sclipici auriu; 2. aracet; 3. pensula
For glitter eggs:
1. golden glitter; 2. modpodge; 3. brush

Oua poleite:
In mod normal foita metalica se aplica cu un adeziv lichid special, dar pentru ca nu stiu cat este de toxic acel adeziv si cat poate patrunde in ou prin coaja poroasa, am folosit o tehnica veche pe care am vazut-o la realizarea icoanelor pe sticla: sucul de usturoi - in momentul in care se usuca devine foarte lipicios
1. pisati bine de tot un catel de usturoi pana scoateti toata zeama din el
2. inmuiati pensula in zeama fara a lua si bucati de usturoi si aplicati pe ou tuse de pensula din loc in loc
3. luati cu degetele foita de aur fara cat mai usor, este foarte fina si se rupe foarte repede, si aplicati-o pe ou
4. folositi degetele pentru a tampona foita pe ou; in locurile in care am pus usturoi aceasta va ramane lipita; lasati-l sa se usuce
Gold leaf eggs:
Usually for gold leaf you need size or a special adhesive, but because I don't know how safe that adhesive is and because the eggshell is porous and can absorb it, I used an old technique which I first saw in icons making: garlic juice - whet it dries it becomes really sticky
1. crush a garlic clove until you get all the juice out
2. dip the brush in that juice but be careful not to get garlic bits on it and apply a few touches on the egg
3. take the leaf with your fingers but be careful because it is very fragile and it breaks easily, and apply it on the egg
4. use your fingers to tap the leaf on the egg; the leaf will adhere on the garlic covered spots; let it dry   

Oua vopsite:
Pentru aceste oua am gasit in magazin un set de 3 vopsele in nunate metalice: argintiu, aramiu si auriu.
1. pregatiti vopseaua conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj si puneti cateva picaturi de vopsea pe o farfurie
2. fixati oul intr-un suport si cu ajutorul pensulei vopsiti jumatate din el in auriu pentru a crea efectul de colorblocking; lasati-l sa se usuce
Dyed eggs:
For these eggs I found in store some metallic gold dye for eggs 
1. prepare the dye following the package instructions, then pour some dye on a plate
2. put the egg in an egg cup and with the brush start painting half of the egg to get a colorblock effect; let it dry

Oua glitter:
Desi arata extraordinar v-as sfatui sa nu faceti ouale fierte cu sclipici ci doar pe cele golite sau doar unul doua fierte pe care sa nu le mancati. Chiar daca aracetul nu este toxic si se poate aplica pe ou, sclipiciul asa cum stiti se imprastie peste tot. Iar in momentul  in care il veti coji tot sclipiciul va ajunge pe albus si nu veti mai putea scapa de el. 
1. aplicati aracet pe ou cu ajutorul pensulei
2. asezati oul pe o coala de hartie si turnati peste el sclipici direct din borcan; scuturati apoi surplusul de sclipici si lasati-l sa se usuce. 
Glitter eggs:
Although it looks absolutely fabulous I would advise not to use this technique on boiled eggs but rather on the blow out or one or two boiled eggs that you don't plan ti eat. Even if the Mod Podge is not toxic and you can use it on the eggshell, the glitter as you know it scatters all over the place. So when you'll try to remove the eggshell it will cover your egg white and there is no way you can get rid of it.  
1. apply Mod Podge on the egg using a dry brush
2. put the egg on a sheet of paper and pour glitter on it directly from the jar; remove the excess glitter and let dry

Pregatiti-va pantofii cu toc pentru ca Pastele acesta va veti putea incanta invitatii cu o masa super eleganta si glam. 
Prepare your stilettos because this Easter you will impress your guest with a very elegant and glamorous dinner. 

Cu drag,

Sunday Smoothie: Banane & Pepene/ Banana & Melon

Daca ati mai rasfoit blogul meu stiti deja ca anotimpul meu preferat e vara. Pe langa inghetata de ciocolata si limonada cu  menta mai este un lucru de care nu ma pot desparti in anotimpul cald: pepenele. Rosu sau galben cu sau fara samburi e nelipsit din frigider. Dar chair daca mai avem un pic de asteptat pana la vara nu inseamna ca nu ne putem rasfata cu un smoothie de pepene galben care sa ne aduca aminte de ce e atat de frumoasa vara.
If you went through my blog posts before you probably know that my favorite seasons is summer. Besides chocolate ice cream and mint lemonade there is one more thing I can't live without in summer: melon. Watermelons, cantaloupe, seedless or not you can always find it in my fridge. Even if we still have a little to wait for summer it doesn't mean we can't spoil ourselves with a banana melon smoothie to remember us why is summer so great.

Ingrediente: 2 banane, 4 felii de pepene galben, 1 cana de iaurt dulce, 1 lingura miere, 1 lingura musli pentru decor
Ingredients: 2 bananas, 4 slices of melon; 1 cup sweet yogurt, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp granola to garnish

Duminica placuta!
Enjoy your Sunday!

Oua au Naturel/ Eggs au naturel

Si bunicile voastre obisnuiau sa vopseasca ouale de Paste cu foi de ceapa si sa le decoreze cu frunze? Anul acesta am decis sa pastrez aceasta traditie si sa vopsesc ouale doar cu vopsele homemade, naturale. Dar poate vreti ca pe langa sau in loc de galbenul foilor de ceapa sa mai aveti si alta culoare. Un albastru turqouise, ce ziceti?
Did your grandma used to dye Easter eggs with onion leaves too? This year I decided to keep this tradition and dye my eggs with natural, homemade dyes only. But maybe you would like something different than the onion yellow eggs. Something blue, what do you think?

Pentru a obtine oua turquoise in cel mai natural mod posibil aveti nevoie de:
To get turquoise blue eggs in the most natural way possible you'll need:

1. un borcan, 2. o cana de varza rosie tocata, 3. oua albe sau galbene fierte tare; 4. 2 linguri de otet de mere, alb
1. a jar; 2. une cup chopped red cabbage; 3. white or brown eggs hard boiled; 4. 2 tablespoons white vinegar

Iata si pasii:
And here are the steps:

1. puneti la fiert 2 cani jumatate de apa in care adaugati varza tocata si lasati sa dea in 2-3 clocote, cam 15 min
2. strecurati fiertura intr-un borcan, atentie sa fie unul cu pereti mai grosi sa nu se sparga, adaugati otetul si amestecati
3. scufundati ouale cu grija in apa colorata.
4. pentru o nuanta pastelata de albastru lasati-le in jur de o ora, pentru un albastru turquoise cum am obtinut eu 4 ore sunt de ajuns; daca folositi oua maro culoarea va fi mai intensa; scoateti ouale si lasati-le la uscat fara sa le atingeti prea mult
1.  in a pot bring to a boil 2 and a half cups water and 1 cup red cabbage, let it simmer for 15 min.
2. strain the mix in a jar, be careful not to break it with the hot liquid, add 2 spoons white vinegar and stir
3. carefully immerse the eggs in the colored liquid
4. for a pale blue let them sit in the natural dye for about an hour, for a more saturated turquoise like mine 4 hours should be enough; if you use brown eggs the color will be richer; take the eggs out and let them dry without touching them too much


Sunday Smoothie: Caise&Migdale/Apricots&Almonds

De cand ma stiu bunica mea face un gem de caise extraordinar. Este gemul meu preferat si l-am manca nu doar in clatite sau pe paine ci pur si simplu direct din borcan. Dar ce il face atat de special fata de orice alt gem este faptul ca bunica mea ascundea in fiecare borcan cate 5-6 miezuri de samburi de caise.
Asa ca astazi vreau sa interpretez aces gem intr-un smoothie. Dar pentru ca sezonul caiselor nu e nici macar pe aproape si nu am de unde sa fac rost nici de miez o sa folosesc caise uscate si migdale crude. Va iesi un smoothie foarte gros si consistent si dulce.
Ever since I was a kid my granny is making an extraordinary apricot jam. It is my favorite jam and I could eat it not only in crepes or with bread, but straight from the jar. What makes it so special is that my grandma puts in it 5-6 apricot pits (their core, not the hard shell) so you have a crunchy surprise when you eat it. But because the apricots seasons is not even near and I can't put my hands on any fresh apricots I will use dried apricots and raw almonds. It will be a very thick, rich and sweet smoothie. 

Ingrediente: 200gr caise uscate, 100gr migdale crude, 1 cana de iaurt dulce
Atentie! Pentru ca este foaret consistent, din aceste cantitati va vor iesi 4 portii de smoothie
Ingredients: 200gr dried apricots, 100gr raw almonds, 1 cup sweet yogurt
Attention! Because it is very thick these quantities are for 4 servings

Duminica placuta!
Enjoy your Sunday!

Dream a little dream of me

Nu imi amintesc foarte des ce visez, dar atunci cand o fac am niste vise extraordinat de reale si de colorate. Sunt in stare sa visez si sa imi amintesc cele mai nesemnificaive detalii cum ar fi scamele de pe bluza partenerului meu de vis. Nu am crezut niciodata cu adevarat in interpretarea viselor si nici nu i-am oferit mare atentie, dar sunt convinsa ca exista vise premonitorii si sunt convinsa ca un dreamcatcher te poate apara de cosmaruri.
I don't ofter remember my dreams, but when I do they are extremely vivid and real. I can dream and remember the most useless details like the lints on my dream partner's clothes. I never believed in dream interpretations, but I sure believe in premonitory dreams and I am absolutely convinced by a dramcatcher's power, that can protect you from nightmares.

Iata de ce aveti nevoie pentru un somn linistit:
Here is what you need for a restful dream:

1. un cerc cu diametrul de 25 cm; poate fi din orice, eu am gasit unul din srama la un suport de ghiveci, dar puteti face unul din ramuri flexibile sau din sarma pentru modelat; 2. macrame; 3. snur de piele, 5-6m; 4. pene; 5. lipici sau pistol cu lipici
1. one circle with a 25 cm diameter; can be made of anything, I found one made of wire on a planter, but you can make one yourself from flexible branches or wire; 2. doily; 3. leather or faux leather cord, about 5-6m; 4. feathers; 5. gun or glue gun 

1. intindeti si prindeti bine macrameul pe cerc
2. incepeti sa infasurati si sa lipiti snur de piele pe cerc pentru a-l imbraca in intregime
3. atasati o agatatoare pe cerc
4. lipiti cate o pana de capetele unei bucati de 1 m de snur de piele si infasurati zona lipita in snur
5. prindeti de la mijloc snururile cu pene de cerc
6. optional, pictati macrameul in culoarea dorita folsind vopsea acrilica
1.stretch and sew the doily on the circle
2. start to cover the circle with leather cord by gluing it 
3. attach a small hanger to the circle
4. glue each feather to both ends of a 1 m leather cord and wrap the glued part in more leather cord
5. fold the feather cords in half and attach them to the circle
6.optional, you can paint the doily in the color you want, using acrylic paint

Somn usor :)
Sleep well :)

Sunday Smoothie: Banane&Ciocolata/Banana&Chocolate

Smoothie-ul din aceasta duminica este de departe preferatul meu pentru ca e facut dintr-o combiantie ideala care merge de minune si in muffins si in clatite si in torturi. E cremos si fin si foarte dulce. E din banane si crema de ciocolata!
This Sunday's Smoothie is by far my favorite because it is made from a perfect combo that work well in muffins or pancakes or just cakes. It's creamy, soft and rich and super sweet. It's banana-chocolate!

Ingrediente: 2 banane, 1/2 cana de crema de ciocolata, 1 cana iaurt dulce, ciocolata neagra pentru decor
Ingredients: 2 bananas, 1/2 cup chocolate spread, 1 cup sweet yogurt, black chocolate for garnish

Duminica placuta!
Enjoy your Sunday!

Best Mom in the World...

...este mama mea. Si probabil acum veti sari "ba a mea". Cand eram mica eram in stare sa o tin asa ore in sir pana cand adversarul meu era convins ca mama mea e cea mai tare. Si tot cand eram mica in fiecare 7 martie pregateam la gradi sau la scoala tot felul de cadouri pentru ziua mamei: desene cu boabe de fasole, felicitari pictate, flori din hartie, ghirlande colorate. Cred ca multe din ele inca mai sunt prin sertarele mamei pe undeva. Acum, chiar daca am crescut, tot nu renunt la cadourile lucrate de mana pentru ca stiu ca acestea o incanta cel mai mult pe mama mea, doar ca acum sunt un pic mai rafinate si mai bine lucrate si chiar le poate purta. my mom. And now you'll say "nay, mine". When I was little I could go on with this for hours until my opponent would agree with me. Also back then, in kindergarten or middle school, every 7th of March was the day when we would make crafty presents for our mothers: beans drawings, hand painted cards, paper flowers, colorful garlands. I think my mom still keeps many of them somewhere in her drawers. Now, even as an adult, I'm not giving up on handmade presents because I know these are the ones she loves most. Only now they are more refined and better crafted and she can actually wear them.

Suntem deja in intarziere asa ca sa trecem la treaba
We run a little late so let's get started:

1.sarma aurie sau colorata de 1mm grosime; 2. cleste de taiat si indoit; 3. lant; 4. zale; 5. inchizatoare; 6. o margea sau stras
1. golden or colored 1mm wire; 2. bender and clipper; 3. chain; 4. chain mail; 5. clasp; 6. one bead or rhinestone

1. incepeti prin a schita pe hartie ceea ce vreti sa scrieti. Incercati sa nu ridicati creionul de e hartie si sa nu treceti de mai multe ori prin acelasi loc. Acest lucru va va ajuta foarte mult in momentul in care veti lucra cu sarma
2. introduceti pe sarma margeaua sau strasul pe care l-ati ales; desi el va fi intre cuvinte e bine sa-l aveti deja pe sarma ca sa nu fiti nevoiti sa taiati sarma pe parcurs
3. indoiti sarma cu clestele de indoit formand literele
4. atasati zalele, lantul si inchizatoarea
1. start by sketching on paper what you want to write. Try not to lift the pencil off the paper and not to pass more than twice over the same spot. This will be very helpful when you'll actually start bending the wire.
2. put the bead or the rhinestone on the wire; it will stay between the words but it's better to already have it on the wire so you won't have to cut it later
3. bend the wire shaping the letters
4. when you're done attach the chain mail, the chain and the clasp

Si cand il veti oferi mamei nu uitati sa-i spuneti cand mult o iubiti si sa ii multumiti pentru tot ce a facut pentru voi.
And when you'll give it to your mother don't forget to tell her how much you love her and to thank her for everything she has done for you.

Te iubesc, mami!
Love you mom!

I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

Nu stiu exact daca pentru acest DIY am fost inspirata de inocenta premiantilor din clasa intai, de pasiunea fridei Khalo sau de talentul Lanei del Rey. Ce stiu sigur este ca nu exista un md mai bun de a sarbatori primavara decat sa-ti aduni in par toate florile lumii.
I don't know exactly if for this DIY I got inspired by the little girls' innocence, the great passion of Frida Khalo or the genuine talent of Lana del Rey. What I know for sure is that there is no better way to celebrate the spring than gathering all the flowers of the world in your hair.

Si pentru a reusi asta aveti nevoie de:
And to achieve that you'll need:

1. flori artificiale; 2. sarma; 3. banda adeziva pentru flori; 4. foarfeca; 5. cleste de taiat
1. silk flowers, 2. wire, 3. floral tape, 4 .scissors; 5. clipper
* eu am folosit sarma normala si banda adeziva pentru flori pentru ca nu am gasit direct sarma pentru flori, dar daca voi aveti o puteti folosi cu incredere
*I used normal wire and floral tape because I couldn't find any floral wire, but you can use it if you have it

1. masurati-va circumferinta capului, adaugati 15 cm si taiati o bucata de sarma de dimensiunea rezultata
2. rasuciti impreuna capetele sarmei pentru a un cerc
3. acoperiti cercul de sarma cu banda adeziva pentru flori
4. taiati florile artificiale de pe tulpina principata, lasandu-le totusi mici codite de 4-5 cm
5. aranjati-le pe masa exact asa cum vreti sa vina pe coronita
6. incepeti sa le prindeti de cercul de sarma de la un capat la altul. Daca florile au codita din sarma puteti sa le infasurati in jurul bazei. Daca au codita doar din  plastic atunci le puteti prinde cu banda adeziva pentru flori.
1. measure your head, add 15cm and cut a piece of wire of that lenght. 
2. twist the ends of the wire together to create a circle
3. cover the wire with floral tape
4. cut the flowers off the main stem keeping their own little stems.
5. arrange them in front of you the way you want to have them on your crown
6. begin to attach them to the wire circle. if your flowers have a wire stem, you can just twist them on the circle. If the stem is just plastic than you can wrap them with floral tape.

Acum puneti coronita pe cap, iesiti afara si salutati soarle.
Now put it on your head, go out and say hi the sun.

Sunday Smoothie: Ananas&Mure/Pineapple&Blackberry

Exista doua mari dileme in lumea asta: oul sau gaina si munte sau mare. Fiind nascuta in Brasov este normal sa imi placa muntele si sa ma simt ca acasa cand oriunde vad unul. Dar tocmai pentru ca sunt nascuta la munte ador marea pentru ca nu aveam acces tot timpul la ea. Solutia ideala: tari precum Italia sau Croatia unde le poti avea pe amandoua la un loc.
La fel este si smoothie-ul de astazi, o combinatie intre fructele de padure de pe varful muntilor si ananas si cocos de pe plajele tropicale. Noroc ca exista supermarketuri unde le gasiti pe toate la un loc :)
There are two big dilemmas in this world: the chicken or the egg and mountain or beach. Being born in a mountain city it's natural for me to love the mountain because every time I see one I feel like home. But because of that I also have to adore the sea because it wasn't something I could enjoy everyday. The best solution: countries like Italy or Croatia that have them side by side.  
And this applies to this smoothie, a combo between the forest fruits from the top of the mountain and the pineapple and coconut from the exotic beaches. Lucky for us, you can find them all in a supermarket :)

Ingrediente: 4 felii ananas, o cana lapte de cocos sau 2 linguri de unt de cocos, o cana de iaurt dulce, o cana de mure, 2 linguri de musli cu ciocolata.
Ingredients: 4 pineapple slices, one cup coconut milk or 2 tbsp coconut butter, one cup sweet yogurt, 2 tbsp chocolate granola.

Voi ce alegeti? Munte, mare sau amandoua?
So which one do you choose? Mountain, seaside or both?
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