Umblam Creanga/ Branch Out

A venit, a venit toamna… A venit de ceva timp deja, frunzele s-au aplecat la picioarele noastre, iar copacii s-au dezgolit fara pic de rusine aratandu-si crengile uscate si noduroase ca un fel de trofee de vanatoare. Plimbarile prin padure toamna sunt o adevarata misiune in urma caruia poti pleca cu un cos intreg de minunatii: frunze in cele mai frumoase culori, ghinde, conuri si crengi in forme cat mai deosebite.
Autumn is here…It’s been here a while now, the leaves have fallen at our feet and the trees have stripped bare, shamelessly showing their hard, dry branches like some hunting trophies. A walk in the woods turns into a real quest to find all kinds of wonders: leaves in the most beautiful colors, acorns, pine cones and branches in all kinds of shapes.

Iar astazi, ati ghicit, vom folosi unul din aceste daruri ale toamnei: o creanga pe care o vom transforma intr-un obiect de decor foarte rustic-chic sau intr-un suport deosebit de bijuterii sau de ce nu, intr-un cuier de haine.
And today, you’ve guessed it, we will be using one of autumns gifts: a fallen branch which we’ll transform into a decorative object with a rustic-chic look or into a marvelous jewelry rack or, why not, a coat hanger.

Cred ca asta va fi cel mai simplu tutorial pe care l-am prezentat pana acum pe M.A.C.T.E.D. pentru ca nu aveti nevoie decat de:
I think this will be the easiest tutorial we’ve ever had here on M.A.C.T.E.D. because all you will need is:
1. Creanga; 2. Vopsea acrilica, 3. Pensula
2. Branch; 2. Acrylic paint; 3. Paintbrush

Iar in realizarea lui avem de parcurs doar un pas:
And making it requires but one step:

1. curatati bine creanga cu o perie pentru a indeparta tot pamantul si resturile de scoarta de pe ea si incepeti si pictati; puteti folosi tehnica colorblocking asa cum am facut eu, puteti realiza deiferite modele sau sa faceti un paint dipping, adica pictati doar o parte din varful crengii ca si cum ar fi fost inmuiata intr-o cutie cu vopsea. Lasati-o apoi ssa se usuce si asezati-o unde vreti in casa. O puteti pune pe perete sau pe un raft ca decor sau support de bijuterii sau o puteti prinde de perete pentru a o trasforma intr-un cuier.
1. Clean the branch thoroughly with a hard brush to remove all the dust and the bark from its surface and start painting; you can use the color-blocking technique like I have, you can make different patterns or paint dipping, that is painting just the top part of the branch as if it’s been dipped in a paint can. Leave it out to dry and then hang it anywhere around the house. You can put it on a wall or on a shelf as a decor or a jewelry rack or you could nail it on a wall as a coat-hanger.

Pe curand!
See you soon

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