Today’s tutorial is not photography related, even though the title suggests that. Dinography is not a new photography technique, but it is actually a dinosaur turned into a picture holder.
Trebuie sa mentionez ca pentru acest proiect mamele sunt avanatajate si desi suna urat, mamelor, va trebui sa furati cateva jucarii de la copilul vostru ;) Iar pentru ceilalti, poate mai gasiti cate ceva pe la fratii mai mici sau chiar in pietele de vechituri, de unde i-am luat si eu pentru modica suma de 0.5 lei/dinozaur. Dar sa ii alegeti in asa fel incat sa nu fie goale in puteti da seama dupa greutate. Pe langa figurinele de cauciuc veti mai avea nevoie de:
I have to mention that for this project mothers will have an advantage and at the risk of sounding mean, mothers, I’m going to have to ask you to steal some toys from you kids As for everyone else, maybe you can “find” something from your younger brother, or even the flea market, which is where I bought mine for the trivial amount of 0.5 lei/dinosaur (less than 25 US cents) But please, pick the ones that are not hollow on the inside. You can usually tell by their weight. In addition to the rubber figurines, you will need the following:
1. Bomfaier; 2. Cutter; 3. Lipici; 4. Pensula; 5. Vopsea acrilica in culorile preferate; 6. Magneti subtiri dar foarte puternici.
1. Hacksaw,2.Cutter, 3.Glue, 4. Brush, 5. Acrylic paint in your favourite colors, 6.Thin but powerfull magnets.
1. Doamnelor si domnilor, vom asista la un moment inedit de magie. Vom taia elefantul in doua cu ferastraul. Taiati-l chiar la jumatate si aveti grija la degete
2. Lipiti pe fiecare jumatate de figurina magnetul
3. Vopsiti fiecare figurina in culoarea preferata. Daca este nevoie aplicati mai multe straturi lasandu-le sa se usuce intre aplicari.
4. Adaugati accente din a doua culoare
1. Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to witness a unique magic act. We are going to saw the elefant in half using a hacksaw! Cut straight through the middle and watch your fingers!
2. Glue a magnet on both halves of the figurine.
3. Paint each figurine in your favourite color. If needed, you can apply more coats of paint, letting them bry after each one.
4. Add accents from a second color.
Si acum in mod miraculous cele doua jumatati ale jucariei se vor lipi la loc si vor putea tine intre ele fotografia preferata. Sau ii puteti folosi ca magneti de frigider si sa le spuneti copiilor ca era glaciara are loc in congelatorul vostru :)
And now, miraculously, the two halves of your toy will come together again and will be able to hold your favourite picture between them. Or you could use them as fridge magnets. And tell your kids that there’s an ice age happening in your freezer :)
Pe curand!
See you soon!
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