Smoothie Sunday: Banane & Kiwi/Bananas&Kiwi

Astazi e duminica si asa cum am stabilit saptamana trecuta e Smoothie Sunday. Iar cel de azi este unul acrisor si revigorant cu banane si kiwi.
Today is Sunday and as I decided last week it's Smoothie Sunday. And today's smoothie is a little sour and very refreshing with bananas and kiwi.

Atitudine intepatoare/ Spiky attitude

Probabil stiti deja ca imi plac tintele. Mi-am facut mai demult un stoc de tinte si acum le-as aplica pe orice, pe haine, accesorii, obiecte decorative, iar astazi am vrut sa le pun pe umerii unei bluze, ca un fel de epoleti punk.
You probably already know that I love studs. I have made a stock a while ago and now I could apply them on everything, on clothes, accessories, decor and today I wanted to put them on a blouse' shoulders, something like punk epaulets.

Actualitati/ In the news

Desi nu e frumos, intotdeauna mi-am ales cartile dupa coperta. Daca arata bine si mai e si buna atunci sunt de 2 ori mai castigata. Daca povestea nu e pe masura ilustratiei de pe coperta, macar am o mica lucrare de arta pe gustul meu. Cea de astazi arata si este lucrata fenomenal, dar si scriitura pare a fi interesanta, un fel manual de asa nu, cel putin pentru mine personal. Inalta societate de Alexander von Schönburg de la Baroque Books
I now it's not right, but I always judge a book by its cover, literally. If it looks good and it's a nice story then it's a double win for me. If the story isn't as good as the illustration, at least I have a small piece of art to match my taste. Today's book looks phenomenal, but the writing seems interesting too, some sort of "dont's" guide, at leas for me. High Society by Alexander von Schönburg from Baroque Books.

Smoothie Sunday: Banane & Mure/Banana & Blackberry

Recunosc cu mare rusine ca nu am incercat niciodata pana acum un smoothie. Nici macar din acela la plic in care pui doar lapte. Nu pentru ca nu mi-ar fi fost pofta sau nu m-ar fi atras combinatiile nebunesti, ci pur si simplu pentru ca nu ii gaseam locul in meniul unei zile. Nu parea a fi nici mic dejun nici inlocuitor de cina si cu atat mai putin un desert.
Ok, I admit that I have never before tried a smoothie. Not even the box mixes where you just add milk. And not because it didn’t seem tasty or the crazy combos didn't sound delish, but I just couldn’t find its place in a daily menu. It didn’t seem like breakfast or dinner replacement, not even a dessert. 

Dar pentru ca azi mi-am permis sa ma trezesc mai tarziu, poate prea tarziu, cam pe la ora brunch-ului asa si pentru ca nu vroiam sa-mi decalez complet ora meselor, am hotarat sa incep ziua cu un smoothie. Unul dulce, cu banana si mure. Si a fost DELICIOS. Atat de bun incat am decis sa infiintez Sunday Smoothie si sa va impartasesc in fiecare duminica o noua reteta. Partea cea mai frumoasa e ca totul e atat de “la intamplare”. Nu ai gramaje fixe, nu ai ingredient fixe si e gata in mai putin de 3 minute.
But because today I had the luxury to wake up later, maybe too late, about brunch time, and because I didn’t want to mess up my meal schedule I decided to start my day with a smoothie. A sweet one with banana and blackberry. And it was DELICIOUS. So good that I decided to start Sunday Smoothie, meaning every Sunday I will share with you a new smoothie recipe. And the best part is that everything is so random: you don’t need to worry about quantities, about certain ingredients and it’s ready in less than 3 minutes.

Deci pentru azi - Smoothie de banane si mure:
So for today - Banana & Blackberry Smoothie:

Maneci de piele / Leather sleeves

Iarna aceasta am dezvoltat o adevarata obsesie pentru piele, vinilin si alte materiale de gen. Cred ca e ceva ce arata bine si intr-un outfit de biker dar si intr-o rochie de seara. Si daca un outfit intreg din piele poate parea prea punk rock, cateva insertii pe ici pe colo pot transforma cele mai plictisitoare bluze in piese foarte chic. Ca aceasta:
This winter I have developed a real obsession for leather, pleather and likewise fabrics. I think it’s something that looks great in a biker outfit but also in an edgy evening gown. And if a full leather outfit might be a little too punk rock, some inserts here and there can transform a dull blouse in a chic fashion piece. Like this:

Happy New Year and Happy Insta Week

Hello dears,
So here it is, a new year, a new beginning full of new things for this little friend of mine, the blog.
One of this new stuff is Instaweek, meaning what have I came across this week that deserved feeding my instagram account. By the way, you can follow me @macted.

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