Maneci de piele / Leather sleeves

Iarna aceasta am dezvoltat o adevarata obsesie pentru piele, vinilin si alte materiale de gen. Cred ca e ceva ce arata bine si intr-un outfit de biker dar si intr-o rochie de seara. Si daca un outfit intreg din piele poate parea prea punk rock, cateva insertii pe ici pe colo pot transforma cele mai plictisitoare bluze in piese foarte chic. Ca aceasta:
This winter I have developed a real obsession for leather, pleather and likewise fabrics. I think it’s something that looks great in a biker outfit but also in an edgy evening gown. And if a full leather outfit might be a little too punk rock, some inserts here and there can transform a dull blouse in a chic fashion piece. Like this:

Pentru a obtine acest look aveti nevoie de:
To achieve this great look you’ll need:
1. Un pulover, 2. Imitatie de pile; 3. Foarfeca; 4. Creta de croitorie si o masina de cusut sau ac si ata
2. A sweater, 2. Faux leather fabric; 3. Scissors; 4. Chalk and a sewing machine or thread and needle

1. Primul lucru: masurati cat de lungi vreti sa fie manecile din piele si taiati manecile puloverului
2. Desfaceti manecile puloverului pe verticala si asezati-le pe dosul materialului. Folosind creta trasati conturul manecii puloverului, lasand o margine de 1.5 – 2 cm pentru cusaturi
3. Taiati materialul urmarind conturul si coaseti-l pentru a forma o noua maneca. Mai intai cusatura laterala, apoi tivul
4. Prinde-ti in ace noua maneca de cea a puloverului. Aveti grija sa potriviti corect fetele materialelor
5. Coaseti in zigzag marginea materialelor pentru a evita desirarea puloverului. Apoi mai coaseti o data normal pentru a prinde bine manecile intre ele.
6. Si gata! Acum aveti un pulover chic cu maneci de piele

1. First thing: measure how long you want the leather sleeve to be, then cut the sweater sleeves
2. Cut open the sweater sleeves and place them on the wrong side of your pleather. Using the chalk draw the outline of the sleeve leaving 1.2-2 cm seam allowance
3. Cut the pleather following the chalk trace and the sew it to form a new sleeve. First sew the sides together and the create the hemline
4. Pin the new sleeve on the sweater sleeve. Be careful to place the sides correctly.
5. First sew the edge of the sleeves using the zigzag stitch to make sure the knit won’t fringe. Then make another seam, this time straight, to secure the two sleeves together.
6. And that’s it! You now have leather sleeves on your new chic sweater

Puteti sa-l duceti la nivelul urmator si sa-i adaugati tot felul de accesorii. Iar pentru mine, daca e piele e musai sa fie si tinte. Asa ca am adaugat de jur imprejur cateva tinte piramidale aurii. Super, nu?
You can of course take it a step further and add some embellishments. And for me, if it’s leather is also studs. So I added a few golden pyramid studs around. Awesome right?

Hugs! xxx

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