Atitudine intepatoare/ Spiky attitude

Probabil stiti deja ca imi plac tintele. Mi-am facut mai demult un stoc de tinte si acum le-as aplica pe orice, pe haine, accesorii, obiecte decorative, iar astazi am vrut sa le pun pe umerii unei bluze, ca un fel de epoleti punk.
You probably already know that I love studs. I have made a stock a while ago and now I could apply them on everything, on clothes, accessories, decor and today I wanted to put them on a blouse' shoulders, something like punk epaulets.

Pentru realizarea lor veti avea nevoie de o bluza simpla, un model care va place, si cateva tinte de diferite dimensiuni. Sunt de preferat tintele care se cos decat cele capsa sau cu gheara pentru a nu va irita pielea.
To make this you only need a simple sweatshirt of your choice and a few studs of different sizes. It's better if you find the sew-on ones, not the prone ones because those can scrape your skin.  

Tutorialul e foarte simplu si merita pentru ca rezultatul final v-ar costa in magazin probabil triplu. Bluza mea a costat 30 de lei si tintele au fost 0.5 leu bucata, iar o bluza asemanatoare v-ar costa cam 100 lei.
This tutorial is so easy and so worth it because the result would probably cost you triple. My blouse was under 10$ and the studs were 1.5 cents for one. And something similar with the end result would probably cost you around 30$ 

Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este:
All you have to do is: 

1. folosind creta si rigla masurati si trasati semnele pe care veti coase tintele
2. coaseti tintele pornind de la cele mai mari si terminand cu cele mici
* le puteti coase drept, in linie, sau imprastiat, mai multe sau mai putine, cum va place.

1. using chalk and ruler measure and mark the spots where you'll sew the studs
2. sew the studs starting with the bigger ones and ending with the smallest.
* you can sew them straight, in line or random, many or few, as you like it

Sa-l purtati cuplacere :)
Enjoy wearing it :)

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