French Ombre

Tineti minte isteria de anul trecut cu efectul ombre? Ei bine, mie nu mi-a trecut. Si daca pe atunci il obtineam cu vopsea sau cu clor acum o sa-l facem cu ajutorul broderiei. Vom folosi tehnica numita nodul frantuzesc pentru a umple bretele unui maieu cu sute de bulinute in nunate de verde...sau de orice culoare va place.
Do you remember last year's ombre craze? Well I'm not over it yet. And if by then I used dye and bleach to get that effect, this time we're going to do it with embroidery. We're going to use an embroidery technique called french knot to fill in the strapt of a tank top with small dots in green hues...or any other hues you like.  

Aveti nevoie de:

1. un maieu uni; 2. ata mouline in mai multe nuante din aceeasi culoare; 3. ac de cusut; 4. muuuuulta rabdare :)
You'll need:
1. a solid color tank top; 2. embroidery thread; 3. sewing needle; 4. a looooot of patience :)

1. incepeti cu cea mai inchisa dintre culori; bagati ata in ac si faceti un nod la capatul liber; treceti acul prin breteaua maieului
2. puneti acum in fata atei si rasuciti de doua ori ata in jurul acului, de la ureche spre varf
3. infigeti acul imediat langa locul prin care l-ati scos si cu mana stanga(sau dreapta pentru stangaci) trageti usor de ata infasurata pe ac astfel incat sa stea lipita de ac
4. trageti apoi acul pe partea cealalata pana la capat
1. start with the darkest hue you have; thread the needle and tie a knot at the loose end; pull the needle through the fabric
2. put the needle in front of the thread and twist the thread twice around the needle, from the needle's hole to the tip
3. insert the tip of the need right next to the exit point and with with your left hand (or right for left handed persons) pull the thread lightly to get it tight around the needle
4. pull the needle all the way through  

Continuati sa faceti astfel de noduri trecand de la o culoare la alta pentru a crea efectul ombre. Trebuie sa aveti ceva timp liber si putina rabdare pentru a acoperi chiar si o suprafata asa mica precum o bretea(mie mi-a luat 4 ore), dar merita!
Continue to make these knots passing from dark to light colors to create the ombre effect. You must have some time on your hands and a lot of patience to cover even a small area like this strap (it took me about 4 hours :-O ), but it's worth it!

Cu drag,

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