Halloween Last-Minute

Nu stiu cum se face ca de fiecare data Halloweenul ma ia prin surprindere- cred ca de fapt asta e si scopul acestei sarbatori. Si anul asta s-a intamplat la fel. As fi vrut sa va prezint niste idei de costume pentru diseara, dar timpul nu mi-a permis. Nu puteam totusi sa va las fara un tutorial tocmai in aceasta zi. Asa ca azi vom face un mic accesoriu care promite sa faca o atmosfera potrivita petrecerii de diseara.
I don’t know why, but Halloween always seems to sneak up on me – actually I think that’s the very purpose of this holiday. This year was no different. I wanted to showcase some costume ideas for tonight, but there was no time.Yet, I couldn’t leave you without a tutorial, today of all days. So we’ll make a small accessory which promises to set the right mood for tonight’s party.

Office Bling-Bic

Ati auzit de pixurile BIC nu? Probabil ca aveti vreunul ratacit prin birou pe undeva. El a aparut in 1945 si a fost proiectat ca fiind un pix ieftin, de unica folosinta, care poate scrie pana la 2km sau 100.00 de cuvinte. Devenind un adevarat icon, in ciuda acuzatiilo ca ar deforma scrisul, unii l-au reinterpretat in maniere mai luxoase. Mai exact, pixul a fost turnat in metal precum otel, bronz, dar si argint si aur. Bineinteles ca un BIC din aur sau aur rozare si un cost pe masura, aprox 8000$. Si desi arata atat de chic, e greu sa dai atatia bani pe un pix de unica folosinta.

You have heard about BIC pens right? You know, the inventors of the ball-point pen… You probably have at least one lost around your office. It was first invented in 1945 and was designed as a cheap, disposable pen which could write for up to 2 km or 100.000 words. It became a true icon, despite the claims that it deformed writing, and some people have re-interpreted this cheap item in a more luxurious manner. To be more specific, the pen has been cast in precious metals such as steal, bronze and even silver and gold. Of course, a BIC pen made out of solid gold or pink gold has a price worthy of it’s name, roughly 8000$. Even though it looks chic, it’s hard to imagine spending that kind of money on a disposable pen.

Dar aici intervenim noi cu o solutie simpla si evident ieftina.
But that’s where we come in with a simple, and obviously cheap solution.

Dolce&Gabbana on a budget

Probabil ca ati trait sub o piatra daca nu stiti ca in aceasta perioada au avut loc saptamanile modei in toata lumea. Si bineinteles podiumurile au fost pline de piese extravagante, sezonul de iarna laudandu-se cu multe influente baroc, influente nelipsite si la mai marii Dolce&Gabbana si accentuate prin accesorii.
You’ve probably been living under a rock if you don’t know that in this time of the year there have been fashion weeks all around the world. And of course, the runways have been filled with extravagant pieces, this winter season taking pride in its baroque influences, which could also be found at fashion powerhouse Dolce &Gabbana and accentuated by their accessories. 

Accesorii pe care probabil putini dintre noi si le pot permite dar pe care toti le putem face acasa ;) Iar tutorialul de astazi este unul de “haute couture on a budget” atat de usor de realizat.
Accessories which probably few of us can afford but that we can all make at home ;) Today’s tutorial is therefore one of “haute couture on a budget” and is very easy to follow.

Dragoste peticita / Patched Love

A venit toamna. Si desi pare greu de crezut, frigul de afara vine si cu un motiv de bucurie: e vremea sa scoatem la purtare colantii. Uní sau cu imprimeu, grosi sau subtiri, sub fuste sau ca atare, colantii au devenit o piesa de baza in garderoba oricui si cu siguranta si voi aveti cel putin o pereche neagra. Dar v-ati gandit vreodata sa ii inveseliti cu niste inimioare colorate? Si daca tot puneti mana pe ac si ata, sa asortati la ei si o bluza cu coatele peticite?

Autumn is here. And even if it seems hard to believe, the cold outside comes with a reason to celebrate: it's time to take out the leggings. Solid color or prints, thick or thin, under the skirt or by themselves, leggings have become an essential piece in every wardrobe and surely all of you have at least one black piece. But did you ever think to cheer them up with some colored hearts? And sice you already have your thread and needle out, to match them with a blouse with patched elbows?

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