Office Bling-Bic

Ati auzit de pixurile BIC nu? Probabil ca aveti vreunul ratacit prin birou pe undeva. El a aparut in 1945 si a fost proiectat ca fiind un pix ieftin, de unica folosinta, care poate scrie pana la 2km sau 100.00 de cuvinte. Devenind un adevarat icon, in ciuda acuzatiilo ca ar deforma scrisul, unii l-au reinterpretat in maniere mai luxoase. Mai exact, pixul a fost turnat in metal precum otel, bronz, dar si argint si aur. Bineinteles ca un BIC din aur sau aur rozare si un cost pe masura, aprox 8000$. Si desi arata atat de chic, e greu sa dai atatia bani pe un pix de unica folosinta.

You have heard about BIC pens right? You know, the inventors of the ball-point pen… You probably have at least one lost around your office. It was first invented in 1945 and was designed as a cheap, disposable pen which could write for up to 2 km or 100.000 words. It became a true icon, despite the claims that it deformed writing, and some people have re-interpreted this cheap item in a more luxurious manner. To be more specific, the pen has been cast in precious metals such as steal, bronze and even silver and gold. Of course, a BIC pen made out of solid gold or pink gold has a price worthy of it’s name, roughly 8000$. Even though it looks chic, it’s hard to imagine spending that kind of money on a disposable pen.

Dar aici intervenim noi cu o solutie simpla si evident ieftina.
But that’s where we come in with a simple, and obviously cheap solution.

Pentru a va umple geata de BIC-uri aurii aveti nevoie de:
To fill your bag with golden BIC pens you will need:
1. Pixuri BIC, 5 lei/4buc de la orice supermarket sau papetarie 2. Unspray cu vopsea auriu cromat, 20 lei de la Dedeman sau alte magazine de bricolaj; 3. O bucata de polistiren, gratis de prin ambalaje :)
1. BIC pens (obviously) at 5lei/4 pieces (that’s 1 dollar 50 cents for 4 pieces) at any supermarket or book store. 2. A spray paint can of golden, chrome color – 20 lei (6 dollars) at Dedeman or other Hardware store. 3. A piece of Styrofoam – free, recycled from packaging.

Inainte de a incepe, lutati toate ustensilele si mutate-va afara sau intr-un loc foarte bine auerisit.
Before you begins, take all these utensils and move outside or in a very well ventilated area.
1. Acoperiti varful pixului cu un pic de banda adeziva de hartie pentru a-l proteja de vopsea
2. Infigeti pixurile si capacele in bucata de polistiren si incepeti sa vopsiti. Pentru capace, lsati-le sa se usuce de tot, intoaceti-le si vopsiti si zonele care au fost infipte in polistiren. Incercati sa spray-ati de la distanta pentru ca vopseaua sa nu curga. Mai bine dati mai mute straturi foarte subtiri decat unul gros care va lasa urme.
1. Cover the ball-point of the pen with a bit of masking tape to protect it from the paint.
2. Stick the pens and their tops in the piece of Styrofoam and start spraying. For the tops: leave them to dry, then turn them over and spray on the areas where they were stuck in the Styrofoam. Try to spray form a distance so that the paint won’t drip. It’s better to apply more thin layers than a thick one that will leave marks. 
Lasati-le o zi intreaga la uscat la aer, apoi mandriti-va cu ele pe la birou sau la scoala.
Leave them out to dry for a whole day, and then flaunt them around the office or in school:)

Pe curand!
See you soon!

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