Prima zi de primavara/ First day of Spring

Calendaristic vorbind, astazi este ultima zi de iarna si chiar daca cerul este inca negru si frigul nu se lasa dus, in capul meu au inceput sa rasara flori si sa zumzaie albinele. Si se pare ca toata lumea e de acord ca iarna e nesuferita si urata daca s-a inventat o sarbatoare special pentru prima zi de primavara. Caci imediat e 1 martie si fara martisor nu e primavara.
Looking through the calendar pages, today is the last day of winter and even if the sky is grey and the cold won't go away, flowers are popping in my head and the bees are buzzing. And in my country the first day of spring is called Martisor and it's celebrated by offering a lucky charm to your loved ones, which they have to wear upon themselves for the whole day. Usually this charms are a four leaves clover, a ladybug or a chimney sweep tied with a red and white thread.

Astazi vreau sa va arat un altfel de martisor, pe care sa-l purtati la mana si pe care puteti agata toti trifoii, hornarii si gargaritele pe care le veti primi de 1 martie.
But today I want to show you how to make a friendship bracelet using one or more of these charms and red and white embroidery thread.

1. ata mouline rosie si alba, cate 3 metri; 2.unul sau mai multe martisoare micute; 3. foarfeca; 4. banda adeziva
1. red and white embroidery thread, 3 meters each color; or more charms; 3. scissors; 4. tape 

Inainte de a va arata pasii am facut o mica animatie care va arata cum se realizeaza nodurile ce alcatuiesc bratara prieteniei
Before I take you through the steps I made a short animation that shows how to make the knots for the friendship bracelet.

1. Taiati ata in bucati de cate un metru pentru a avea in final 3 bucati rosii si 3 bucati albe. Innodati-le impreuna la un capat, lasand o codita de 7-10 cm. Aranjati-le alternativ astfel incat sa aveti o ata rosie, una alba
2. Realizati nodurile incepand cu ata din stanga pe care o innodati de cate doua ori pe fiecare ata din dreapta. Continuati sa innodati pana ajungeti la 7-8 cm.
3. Introduceti charm-ul pe ultimele 2 ate si innodati in continuare facand abstractie de el, inca 7-8cm.
4.  Finalizati bratara innodand toate cele 6 ate si lasati o codita de 7-10 cm. Impletiti coditele de la cele doua capete. Cu ele va veti lega bratara la mana.
1. Cut the thread in one meter pieces so you'll have 3 red 1 meter threads and 3 white 1 meter threads. Tie them together with a big knot, leaving a tail of 7-10cm. Arrange them alternating one red thread and one white thread.
2. Begin knotting with the far left thread, and pass twice through all the threads from the right side. Continue knotting for 7-8 cm.
3. Insert the charm in the last 2 threads and continue knotting over it for another 7-8 cm.
4. Finish the bracelet by tying all the threads together and leave a 7-10 cm tail. Braid both tails at the ends of the bracelet. You will use them to tie the bracelet around your wrist.

Puteti realiza aceatsa bratara pentru voi si sa prindeti pe ea toate martisoarele pe care le veti primi sau puteti face mai multe si sa le oferiti celor dragi
You can make this bracelet for yourself and attach all kind of charms on it or you can make more and give them to your loved ones.

O primavara frumoasa!
Have a beautiful Spring!

Minimal Glam

Minimal Glam inseamna luxos fara a fi opulent si incarcat si inseamna minimalist fara a fi banal si simplu. Este deci o combinatie a celor doua stiluri si o caracterista a bratarii pe cae vreau sa v-o arat astazi.
Minimal Glam means luxury without being opulent or heavy and it also means minimal without being flat or boring. It's a mix between the two and it's a characteristic of the cuff bracelet that I want to show you today.

Dar inainte de a trece la treaba vreau sa va spun cate ceva despre materialul din care e facuta. Se numeste Axpet, este produs de Bayer si se aseamana cu plasticul din care sunt facute caserolele. In engleza poate fi confundat cu shrink plasticul, dar diferenta dintre cele doua este ca axpetul nu isi micsoreaza dimensiunile la caldura. Caci da, vom lucra cu caldura deoarece acest plastic se inmoaie si devine maleabil la cald, dar la temperaturi nu foarte inalte. Se gaseste in magazinele de arte plastice la sectiunea arhitectura, fiind folosit si in realizarea machetelor, in coli de diferite dimensiuni si grosimi.
But before we start I would like to tell you a little bit about the material that we will use. It is called Axpet, it's made by Bayer and it's like the food containers plastic. Though it's not the same with shrink plastic because it doesn't shrink under heat. Yes, we will use heat because this plastic becomes flexible and malleable under a heat source, but still we don't need very high temperatures. You can find it in craft stores, in the architecture isle because it is used in modelling, in sheets of different sizes and thickness.
Avem deci nevoie de:
So you'll need:

1. o coala de Axpet de 2mm grosime; 2. cutter; 3. rigla; 4. strasuri; 5. lipici pentru plastic
1. one 2mm thick Axpet sheet; 2. cutter; 3. ruler, 4. rhinestones; 5. plastic glue

1. Masurati-va circumferinta incheieturii, iar din dimensiunea acesteia scadeti 2cm. Masurati apoi si latimea pe care doriti sa o aiba bratara. Folosind rigla si un marker sau creion trasati dimensiunile pe coala de Axpet
2. Taiati Axpetul folosind un cutter foarte bine ascutit
3. Folositi o bucata de smilgher sau o pila pentru a slefui si rotunji marginile
4. Bagati bucata taiata de Axpet in cuptorul incalzit, dar nu incins, pentru 3-5 minute sau pana cand observati ca incepe sa se inmoaie
5. Scoateti Axpetul din cuptor folosind o manusa si infasurati-l repede in jurul unui obiect rotund cam de dimensiunile mainii. Tineti-l infacsurat asa cateva secunde pana se raceste si se intareste
6. Cand s-a racit de tot puteti sa incepeti sa aplicati strasurile asa cum va doriti
1. Measure your wrist and subtract 2cm from that number. Then measure how wide would you like your bracelet to be. using the ruler and a marker or pencil trace those sizes on the Axpet sheet.
2. Cut the plastic using a very sharp cutter
3. Use a piece of sandpaper or a file to smooth the sides
4. Put the Axpet piece in the oven for about 3-5 minutes or until you see that it starts to bend a little
5. Take is out using a mitten and shape it around an object that is the size of your hand. Keep it like this for a few seconds to allow it to cool and harden in this shape  
6. When it cooled off completely start gluing the rhinestones the way you like it.

Aceasta este noua voastra bratara pe care o puteti purta la o rochie neagra de seara sau la o pereche de jeansi albi la birou. Cu siguranta va atrage multe priviri.
And this is your new bracelet which you can wear on a black evening dress or with a pair of white jeans for work. It is definitely very eye catching.   


Sunday Smoothie: Editia de dragobete/Chocolate Strawberry

Smoothie-ul de astazi l-am facut initial de Valentine's Day, dar pemtru ca a picat intr-o joi nu l-am putut posta. Norocul meu ca si noi avem un Valentine's Day autohton, Dragobetele si pica fix intr-o duminca, adica azi. Deci imbratisati-va din nou persoana iubita si mai demonstrati-i o data cat de mult o iubiti pregatindu-i acest smoothie decadent de bun.
Today's smoothie was originally made for Valentine's Day but because it was on a Thursday I couldn't post it. Fortunately in my country there is a national Valentine's Day, called Dragobete and it's celebrated on the 24th of February, meaning on Sunday, today. So even if you're not romanian you have another reason to hug your beloved ones and show them your love by making this decadent delicious smoothie.   

Missing Art is still Art

Cine a zis ca un tablou nu poate sta fara rama si o rama nu poate sta goala? As vrea sa-l contrazic si sa-i demonstrez prin tutorialul de azi ca o rama goala, dar mai ales mai multe rame goale la un loc pot deveni foarte usor un wall art de invidiat. Mai ales daca e vorba de niste rame vintage, sculptate.
Am ineput sa colectionez rame vechi cand m-am mutat in noua casa, in timpul renovarilor, cand am gasit la piata de vechituri cateva rame mici la un pret de nimic. Si pentru ca in final dormitorul meu a ajuns sa fie alb cu accente de albastru inchis, am vopsit toate ramele in nunate de albastru si le-am agatat asa goale deasupra patului. Efectul este super si look-ul este unul shabby chic.
Who said that a painting is not complete without a frame and that a frame can't hang empty? I beg to differ and I want to show with this tutorial that an empty frame, or even better more empty frames put together can easily become a beautiful wall art. Especially if they are vintage sculpted frames.
I started collecting old frames when we moved in our new home, during renovation, when I found a few of them , very very cheap, at the local flea market. And because the final colors of my bedroom were white and navy blue, I've painted all these frames in various shades of blue and hanged them over my bed. They are very cute and have a shabby chic look.

Petrecere cu Perne/Pillow Party

Dupa parerea mea exista doua lucruri care nu pot fi niciodata prea multe sau prea colorate: bratarile pe mana  si pernele in pat. Daca vara trecuta a inceput o adevarata nebunie cu asa numitele arm cady sau arm party, de ce nu am face si un pillow party. Adica perne cu multe fete colorate cu care sa ne decoram la maxim patul sau canapeaua.
In my opinion there are 2 things that can never be too much or to colorful: bracelets and pillows. If last summer was invaded by the so called arm candy or arm party, why wouldn't there be a pillow party. Meaning a lot of pillows to fully decorate your bed or couch.

Sunday Smoothie: Papaya&Ananas/Papaya&Pineapple

Am vazut zilele trecute la televizor cum in supermarketurile noastre are loc o invazie de fructe exotice ale caror denumiri sunt mult prea complicate pentru axonii neuronilor mei. Si ca o adevarat aventuriera am plecat in cautarea lor. Din pacate m-am ales doar cu un papaya nu foarte copt si un ananas numai bun. Asa ca pana dau de un mangostan va arat un smoothie de duminica din recolta actuala.
A few days ago I saw on TV that there is an exotic fruits invasion in our supermarkets, with names way to complicated for my neuron's axons. And like a true adventurer I went to find them. Unfortunately my only reward was a barely ripe papaya and a good pineapple. So until I find a mangosteen around, I'll show you a Sunday smoothie with the actual harvest.

Sunday Smoothie: ananas&cocos&smochine/pineapple&coconut&figs

Smoothie-ul de azi a fost inspirat de un ingredient pe care nu il gasesti foarte des in magazinele de la noi: laptele de cocos. Daca aveti norocul sa-l gasiti va invit atunci sa incercati urmatorul smoothie. Este delicios.
Today's smoothie was inspired by an ingredient that you can't find very often in my country: coconut milk. But I was lucky enough to get some so I invite you to try the next smoothie. It is absolutely delicious.

Shopping Bag #1

In ultimul timp am vizitat mall-ul doar pentru ca cel mai apropait supermarket e in el. In sezonul de iarna nu prea am chef de cumparaturi si ma rezum la cateva pulovere in care sa a ascund pana vine iar soarele. Dar cand incepe sezonul de reduceri...aici e alta poveste. Mai ales cand gasesc ceva ce sa-mi placa si sa fie si pe marimea mea.
Lately I've been going to mall only because the nearest supermarket is inside it. In winter season I don't really feel like shopping and I settle for a couple of sweaters that I can hide in until the sun comes back again. But when Sales are on....well that's another story. Especially when I find something that I like in my size which is so rare.  
Asa ca iata cu ce m-am ales dintr-o vizita scurta de shopping:
So this is what I got in a quick shopping spree:

Be my Valentine

A venit Februarie, luna iubirii, a trandafirilor rosii si a ursuletilor de plus. Si bineinteles ca nu puteam lasa sa treaca Valentine's day fara un tutorial. Unul simplu si unisex pentru ca felicitarea pe care o vom face o puteti oferi atat iubitei cat si iubitului.
February is here, the month of love, of red roses and teddy bears. And of course I couldn't let Valentine's day to slip by without a tutorial. An easy one and unisex because the card that we will be making can be offered to a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

Sunday Smoothie: mango & kiwi

Smoothie-ul de astazi este fratele mai exotic al celui de saptamana trecuta. Desi bananele sunt la fel de exotice ca si mango-ul, pe cele dintai le consumam de foarte mult timp si deja au intrat in meniul zilnic al multora dintre noi, spre deosebire de mango. Dar trebuie sa stiti ca fructele de mango contin foarte multa vitamina C si betacaroten care sunt antioxidanti foarte puternici si in plus au un continut ridicat de fibre si mai putine calorii decat bananele. Deci data viitoare cand dati peste ele in magazin nu ezitati sa cumparat vreo 2.
Today's smoothie is the exotic brother of the one from last week. Although bananas are as exotic as mango, we eat them for so long and they became a regular food in our daily menu. But you have to know that mango fruits have a lot of vitamin C and beta carotene which are both very powerful antioxidants, they have a high content of fibers and  less calories than bananas. So next time you see them at the market don't hesitate to buy a couple of them.

Working on lately

Vin la ceas de seara cu o postare tarzie pentru a motiva absenta de pe blog din ultima saptamana. Am inceput sa lucrez la o colectie noua pe care vreau sa o termin pana la primavara si din fericire, in ultimul timp inspiratia s-a simtit ca la ea a acasa in jurul meu. Si nici nu e de mirare cand sunt inconjurata de atatea lucruri dragute. Iata cateva dintre ele:

Here I am with a late night post to excuse my absence from the last week. I started working on a new collection which is due this summer and fortunately inspiration made herself at home around me lately. But I guess that's normal when you are surrounded by so many pretty things. Here are a few:

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