Calendaristic vorbind, astazi este ultima zi de iarna si chiar daca cerul este inca negru si frigul nu se lasa dus, in capul meu au inceput sa rasara flori si sa zumzaie albinele. Si se pare ca toata lumea e de acord ca iarna e nesuferita si urata daca s-a inventat o sarbatoare special pentru prima zi de primavara. Caci imediat e 1 martie si fara martisor nu e primavara.
Looking through the calendar pages, today is the last day of winter and even if the sky is grey and the cold won't go away, flowers are popping in my head and the bees are buzzing. And in my country the first day of spring is called Martisor and it's celebrated by offering a lucky charm to your loved ones, which they have to wear upon themselves for the whole day. Usually this charms are a four leaves clover, a ladybug or a chimney sweep tied with a red and white thread.
Astazi vreau sa va arat un altfel de martisor, pe care sa-l purtati la mana si pe care puteti agata toti trifoii, hornarii si gargaritele pe care le veti primi de 1 martie.
But today I want to show you how to make a friendship bracelet using one or more of these charms and red and white embroidery thread.
1. ata mouline rosie si alba, cate 3 metri; 2.unul sau mai multe martisoare micute; 3. foarfeca; 4. banda adeziva
1. red and white embroidery thread, 3 meters each color; or more charms; 3. scissors; 4. tape
Inainte de a va arata pasii am facut o mica animatie care va arata cum se realizeaza nodurile ce alcatuiesc bratara prieteniei
Before I take you through the steps I made a short animation that shows how to make the knots for the friendship bracelet.
1. Taiati ata in bucati de cate un metru pentru a avea in final 3 bucati rosii si 3 bucati albe. Innodati-le impreuna la un capat, lasand o codita de 7-10 cm. Aranjati-le alternativ astfel incat sa aveti o ata rosie, una alba
2. Realizati nodurile incepand cu ata din stanga pe care o innodati de cate doua ori pe fiecare ata din dreapta. Continuati sa innodati pana ajungeti la 7-8 cm.
3. Introduceti charm-ul pe ultimele 2 ate si innodati in continuare facand abstractie de el, inca 7-8cm.
4. Finalizati bratara innodand toate cele 6 ate si lasati o codita de 7-10 cm. Impletiti coditele de la cele doua capete. Cu ele va veti lega bratara la mana.
1. Cut the thread in one meter pieces so you'll have 3 red 1 meter threads and 3 white 1 meter threads. Tie them together with a big knot, leaving a tail of 7-10cm. Arrange them alternating one red thread and one white thread.
2. Begin knotting with the far left thread, and pass twice through all the threads from the right side. Continue knotting for 7-8 cm.
3. Insert the charm in the last 2 threads and continue knotting over it for another 7-8 cm.
4. Finish the bracelet by tying all the threads together and leave a 7-10 cm tail. Braid both tails at the ends of the bracelet. You will use them to tie the bracelet around your wrist.
Puteti realiza aceatsa bratara pentru voi si sa prindeti pe ea toate martisoarele pe care le veti primi sau puteti face mai multe si sa le oferiti celor dragi
You can make this bracelet for yourself and attach all kind of charms on it or you can make more and give them to your loved ones.
O primavara frumoasa!
Have a beautiful Spring!
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