Be my Valentine

A venit Februarie, luna iubirii, a trandafirilor rosii si a ursuletilor de plus. Si bineinteles ca nu puteam lasa sa treaca Valentine's day fara un tutorial. Unul simplu si unisex pentru ca felicitarea pe care o vom face o puteti oferi atat iubitei cat si iubitului.
February is here, the month of love, of red roses and teddy bears. And of course I couldn't let Valentine's day to slip by without a tutorial. An easy one and unisex because the card that we will be making can be offered to a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

Pentru a incepe aveti nevoie de o bucata de carton alb, marime A5, ata mouline rosie, ac, creion, rigla marker negru
To start it, you'll need a piece of white cardborad, size A5, red embroidery thread, needle, ruler, pencil, black marker

1. Indoiti cartonul la jumatate si trasati usor conturul unei inimi pe fata acestuia
2. Luati rigla si acul si perforati cartonul pe conturul desenat
3. Bagati atat rosie in ac si nu faceti nod la capatul liber pentru ca il veti ascunde sub broderie.
4. Incepeti sa coaseti urmarind perforatiile de sus in jos
5. Luati un marker si desenati un "I" si un "U" deasupra si sub inima brodata

1. Fold your cardboard in half and draw a heart on the front of it.
2. Take your ruler and the needle and start punching the cardboard following the heart outline
3. Thread your needle with the red thread and don't tie a knot at the loose and because you will hide it behind the embroidery
4. Start embroider the heart shape following the holes up and down.
5. Take a marker and draw "I" and "U" on top and under the heart.

Tot ce mai aveti de facut este sa scrieti inauntru un mesaj secret pentru persoana iubita.
Now all you have to do is write inside a secret message for your loved one.



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